New Client Email Campaign Template
This email campaign template was designed to help you visualize the email funnel flow so you can progressively become better at creating them. Below text boxes are sample subjects for emails. The Day field default numbers are guidelines and can be changed, except first email. Have fun!
Fill out all email campaign fields
Click on Email Example to expand
Email 1
Hi [Contact First Name],
We are excited to have you on board at {{Insert Your Company}}!
To help you get the most out of {{Insert Product/Service}}, here are a few helpful tips:
- Tip #1
- Tip #2
- Tip #3
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out at {{[email protected] or xxx-xxx-xxxx}}.
Welcome aboard!
[User First Name][User Signature Block]
Email 2
[Contact First Name],
Oftentimes a client asks me {{“Insert Common Question?”}} Did you know that you can easily {{Insert Solution}} using {{Insert Product/Service}}?
For more helpful tips, check out our {{FAQ page}}.
Have a great day,
[User First Name][User Signature Block]
Email 3
[Contact First Name],
I hope all is well and that you’re enjoying {{Insert Product/Service}}.
I wanted to quickly check in to see if you have any questions or need anything?
Please let me know if I can help in any way,
[User First Name][User Signature Block]
Email 4
Hey there [Contact First Name],
Our clients will frequently ask about best practices for {{Insert XYZ Problem}}.
We recently published a blog post that highlights how to {{Insert XYZ Solution}}.
If you have a minute to spare, you can {{check it out here}}.
Hope this helps!
[User First Name][User Signature Block]
Email 5
Hi [Contact First Name],
How are things going? I hope you are enjoying {{Insert Product/Service}}.
I wanted to quickly check in to make sure you don’t have any outstanding questions.
Please let me know how I can help further,
[User First Name][User Signature Block]
Email 6
Hi [Contact First Name],
Thank you again for being a {{Insert Your Company Name}} customer.
Your feedback is important to us and helps us to constantly improve.
Feedback and suggestions play an important role in our business, and we carefully review each one as a team.
If you have a second, we are all ears. This survey shouldn’t take more than 3 minutes: {{Insert Link to Survey}}
Thanks again for your business,
[User First Name][User Signature Block