Cold Lead Email Campaign Template

This email campaign template was designed to help you visualize the email funnel flow so you can progressively become better at creating them. Below text boxes are sample subjects for emails. The Day field default numbers are guidelines and can be changed, except first email. Have fun!

Fill out all email campaign fields

Email Campaign - Cold Lead
This is your email address so we can email you the email template information.


Day 1 Introduction to business from the contact's sales rep
Enter number or scroll
Day 9 Case study
Day 25 Link to calendar
Enter number or scroll

Click on Email Example to expand

Email 1
SUBJECT: More {{Insert Your Product/Service Benefit}} for [Contact Company]

Hi [Contact First Name],

The more I talk to {{Insert Contact Position Titles}}, the more they bring up questions or concerns about {{Insert Potential Problem}}. Do you struggle with the same challenge in your business?

If so, I can help.

My company, {{Insert Your Company}}, enables {{Insert Contact Position Titles}} to {{Insert Your Product/Service Benefit}}.

The easiest way to learn more is to check out our overview video here: {{Insert Link to Overview Video}}.

Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can help in any way.


[User First Name][User Signature Block]

Email 2
SUBJECT: How {{Insert Client Business}} Boosted {{Insert X}} by {{Insert Y%}}

Hi [Contact First Name],

Our customer, {{Insert Client Name}} at {{Insert Client Business}}, was able to boost {{Insert X}} by {{Insert Y%}}.

That is huge because {{Insert Explanation of Problem Many Similiar Businesses Face}}.

For more information, check out the case study for  {{Insert Client Business}}.

I thought this customer story might hit home for [Contact Company]. If you have any questions about how {{Insert Client Business}} or our other clients are using {{Insert Product/Service}} to {{Insert Benefit Point}}, let me know. I would love to chat or answer any questions.

Thank you,

[User First Name][User Signature Block]

Email 3
SUBJECT: [Contact Company] + {{Insert Your Company}}

Hi [Contact First Name] –

Were you able to check out {{Insert Your Company}}?

If you have any questions or are curious about {{Insert Your Product/Service Benefit}} for [Contact Company], I’d love to chat in the next day or two. Here’s a {{link to my calendar}}. Let’s get something scheduled.


[User First Name]

[User Signature Block]

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